One of our female placement clients was in the hospital this month and her brother came all the way from Tennessee to help his sister find dignified care. The hospital & others provided him with multiple placement agency information, and he began working with a different agency. Our team at ASC continued to follow-up and were able to connect with the brother via phone. The next day Our Director of Care Coordination was in the hospital to personally conduct an assessment. You would think this is an industry standard, but it’s not. The family was impressed with our commitment and agreed to work with our team. His previous placement agency sent him two hours away to tour a community on probation to be shut down. Our client’s brother from another state, made the two-hour trip solo, with no support from the other placement agency.
After this harrowing experience, our client’s brother fired the other two placement agencies. Hospital staff questioned our clients about firing the other placement agency while our staff was present. Our Care Coordination team met with the family at the hospital several times, where we educated them on Sacramento’s senior care environment. We got to know our client & their family both as people and those with care needs. Our Director of Care Coordination personally toured the Carlton Sacramento on Fulton Ave twice with this family. When our client’s sister flew out, Christine toured her around again. The sister remarked that her brother never let anyone drive him in the car, but he felt comfortable enough with Christine to do so.
Our client moved into the Carlton Sacramento’s Enhanced Assisted Living for end-of-life care. During our tours the Carlton team was compassionate, understanding, and worked with our team and the family to take care of what was most important: the person. At ASC we practice community case management. This means our focus is also on the client’s family, resources that are needed, and consistent follow-up. If a change in condition occurs and more/less care is required, our team is here for you. Huge shout-out to both our Director of Care Coordination Christine for her commitment to families, and to the team at the Carlton Sacramento for being an incredible partner in dignified care.
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